Save our jobs.

Danny Howard dannyman at
Tue Feb 26 08:54:11 PST 2002

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 11:13:46PM -0800, joe bsd wrote:
> So to my American worker I say: “Your job has been eliminated”.  You
> can collect $230 a week in unemployment.  It’s really not my concern
> if your rent is $1300.  Maybe you can live in South Dakota with $230 a
> week.  And one more thing
  I’ll give you some money if you sign
> this release waiver.  It basically says, “I’ll sell my Civil Rights
> for cash”.   Would you please sign it before you go?   We don’t want
> you to sue us if you finally realize how badly we screwed you

My job was eliminated in July, 2001.  I collected the $230 for a while
until I got tired of looking for work, and took a job waiting tables at
a modest salary, waiting to weather out the recession.

If I have any concern with H1B workers, it is that they don't get that
$230 / week opportunity, and they can't even settle for waiting tables.
They have to go back home.  H1B is a pain in the rear for employers,
too.  Many of the job postings I've seen declare flat-out, up-front,
that they will not sponser Visas.

If you're worried about corporations looking for maximum profits, then
go ahead and get rid of the H1B.  They'll set up shop overseas, paying
these foreign workers far less, returning NO tax revenue to our economy,
and offering less diversity to our culture.

America was built on successive generations of "can-do" immigrant labor.
Here in California, we are ALL immigrants.  If I can't make it out here,
I can always go back to the midwest.  I've got a far better deal as a
citizen than those coming over here on H1Bs, and the last thing I want
to do is turn on those even less fortunate than myself.

One last tip is that you ought to send e-mails in the ASCII character
set, especially when your audience is Systems Administrators.  Also,
you're welcome to follow-up to me privately.  I wanted to offer BayLisa
a counterpoint, but I don't want to bring us a flame war. ;)

Oh, and if anyone's hiring:



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